Spell Mixes, Sachet Powders, etc

1 Lb Attract Love spell mix
Our Attract Love spell mix is intended to bring love into your life, or help the one that you desire fall for you. Use on charcoal to burn, add to...... more info
1 Lb Banishing spell mix
A mix created of carefully chosen herbs, the Banishing spell mix is intended to empower you banishing rituals and help you get rid of negative...... more info
1 Lb Healing spell mix
Our Healing spell mix has been chosen from the finest herbs to help empower your healing rituals, offering spiritual mending, emotional healing, and...... more info
1 Lb Purification spell mix
This blend of herbs is specifically intended to lend power to your spells and rituals, particularly those that involve consecration and purification....... more info
1 Lb Quick Money spell mix
Blended of a mix of herbs chosen for specifically to aid and empower spells of money drawing and good fortune, this spell mix is intended to aid...... more info
1 Lb Releasing spell mix
Let go of bad habits, addictions, negative relationships and influences with the aid of our Releasing spell mix.... more info
1 Lb Ritual pwd Vesta
Vesta ritual powder is used to honor Vesta, the Goddess of the hearth, the sacred fire, and maternity. Use it to honor her, and help drive away evil...... more info
1 Lb Wishing spell mix
Blended of carefully chosen herbs chosen for their ability to empower your Wish magick, this spell mix is a fantastic way to help your wishes come...... more info
1# Fire of Love sachet powder
The use of sprinkling and blowing powders, usually called sachet (pronounced "sashay") has been a part of hoodoo practice for a very long time. In...... more info
1# High John sachet powder
The use of sprinkling and blowing powders, usually called sachet (pronounced "sashay") has been a part of hoodoo practice for a very long time. In...... more info