Witch's guide to Creating & Performing Rituals by Phoenix LeFae
Build powerful, transformative rituals for a deeply meaningful life. Rituals are a part of our breath, blood, and bones. They're a part of our human...... more info
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Witch's Herbal Apothecary by Marysia Miernoska
Mother Earth is a living entity that holds great medicine to heal us physically and spiritually. However, in today's modern world, too many of us are...... more info
Sale: $25.19
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Witches' Bible
Covering all the traditional and necessary parts of Witchcraft, the Witches' Bible by Farrar and Farrar contains two books in one volume: Eight...... more info
Sale: $26.06
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Witches' God
The Witches' God examines the many concepts of the God, 12 individual gods of history, including rituals for invoking each, and a comprehensive...... more info
Sale: $24.26
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Witches' Goddess
The Witches' Goddess is of great practical value in discovering and celebrating the transforming energy of the Feminine Principle of Divinity.... more info
Sale: $24.26
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Witches' Sabbats & Esbats by Sandra Kynes
In Witches??' Sabbats & Esbats, Sandra Kynes presents a comprehensive seasonal guide for both the solitary witch as well as the established...... more info
Sale: $22.46
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Witches' Way (hc) by Leanna Greenaway
With more in-depth explorations of nature magick and divination, this beautifully illustrated guide to witchcraft is a must for all Wiccans in search...... more info
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Working Conjure Guide to Hoodoo Folk Magic by Hoodoo Sen Moise
Conjure, also known as Hoodoo or Rootwork, is an old, powerful, and increasingly popular system of North American folk magic. Conjure's roots derive...... more info
Sale: $17.06
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Wyrdcraft Mysteries of the Fates by Matthew Ash McKernan
Weaving Germanic Paganism with mysticism, magic, and his background as a transpersonal therapist, Matthew Ash McKernan introduces you to wyrd, a...... more info
Sale: $19.79
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Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden
When we think of the wheel of the year, the Wiccan wheel with its celebrations of the Yule, Beltane, Mabon, and Samhain come to mind. But what about...... more info
Sale: $13.46
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