Colloidal Silver Machine: Can use internally or externally.
Effective against Clostridium bacteria. May be helpful for pain. 99.999 pure, Releases positive ions.
Directions for making colloidal silver: First you will need high quality distilled water. Place 8 oz of room temperature distilled water in a tall glass. Place the silver rods uniformly apart in the water. Bend the silver rod into a cane shape and hang on the rim of the glass or jar. Place the silver rods uniformly apart in the water. Bend the silver rods into a cane shape and hang on the rim of the glass.
Depress the switch; the light will come on if the batteries are in good working condition. If the light does not turn on, this is a sign to change the four 9-volt batteries inside the generator. If the light comes on proceed by plugging the mini-jack into the generator, then attach the alligator clips to the portion of the silver rods hanging on the rim of the glass.
This begins the process. The light will not come on during this process. At first the reaction proceeds very slowly. Often for 45-55 minutes it will appear as if nothing is happening. Then finally, bubbles will appear on one wire and a faint yellow mist will begin to form off of the other one. The mist may not be visible to the naked eye. Using a flashlight look directly across the glass, this helps to make the mist visible. With-in a moment the reaction will speed up, the particles will be a golden yellow to faint golden yellow. Let the reaction continue for approximately 5 minutes. This will create a solution of about 5ppm. Each minute you allow the reaction to continue will add about 1ppm.
If you get black specks in your water you have let the process go too long. You can use this solution (simply pick out the black specks) or water your house plants with it and begin again, timing the process more closely.
The yellow color has to do with the size of the particles you are making. The size is very small. 01- 001 microns. At this size silver, or any metal, will absorb the indigo light leaving only its inverse color, yellow, to be observed. The final product will be transparent to transparent yellow.
Storage: Silver is light sensitive. Keep in a cool, dark place. Use darkly tinted glass bottles. Plastic magnetizes very easily which will cause your silver particles to stick to the sides of any plastic container. In a pinch you could rinse out hydrogen peroxide bottles to store colloidal silver. Hydrogen peroxide bottles are made from non-reactive plastic containers, however, some of the chemicals in plastic have a tendency to leach into the colloid and can also affect taste. Do not refrigerate. As the colloid becomes colder the movement of the particles will slow down and fall out of the solution. Always shake the bottle before using to be sure that the silver colloid is evenly distributed. Do not store near speaker cabinets or other strong magnetic fields. Full potency can be retained for about a month when the solution is properly stored.
Note: The silver wire that the mist comes off of will turn black. Use a green scrubby to wipe off the black. *The potency of the colloidal silver depends on the length of time running. For example, using 12 - 16 oz water, watch for mist to begin---let run for 5 minutes and you will have a 5 ppm (parts per million) colloidal silver solution. (This info from customer who spoke with CTS Originals)
5 PPM Solution Special note: The biggest "secret" about the manufacture of quality colloidal silver is that it is nearly impossible to standardize the product. Silver is apparently reactive to a number of natural forces that have yet to be identified. Even when the voltage, the water, and the water temperature are identical, different batches will proceed at different rates on different days. The speed of the reaction can vary by over 100% depending on the day. On "normal days, the reaction is proceeding well by 15 minutes, with a visible cloud of particles. On "slow days" it may take 30 minutes before any visible production of particles begins. Because of this variation, it is always wise to observe the reaction with a flashlight so you can see how quickly the reaction is happening.