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Real Ghost Stories

Real Ghost Stories

Ghosts, spirits, apparitions ... the reality of the "Invisibles" is no longer a speculation. The spirits of the departed, given the right conditions, can and do communicate with the physical world. The time has surely come when the fair claim of ghosts to the impartial attention and careful...
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  • Ghosts, spirits, apparitions ... the reality of the "Invisibles" is no longer a speculation. The spirits of the departed, given the right conditions, can and do communicate with the physical world.

    The time has surely come when the fair claim of ghosts to the impartial attention and careful observation of mankind should no longer be ignored. In earlier times people believed in them so much that they cut their acquaintance; in later times people believe in them so little that they will not even admit their existence.

    Some of the acutest minds of our time have learned to recognize in scientific demonstration of the existence of the fact that personal individuality survives death.

    Thrilling as are some of the stories of the apparitions of the living and the dead, they are less sensational than the suggestion made by hypnotists and psychical researchers of England and France, that each of us has a ghost inside him. They say that we are all haunted by a Spiritual Presence, of whose existence we are only fitfully and sometimes never conscious, but which nevertheless inhabits the innermost recesses of our personality. The theory of these researchers is that besides the body and the mind, meaning by the mind the Conscious Personality, there is also within our material frame the soul or Unconscious Personality, the nature of which is shrouded in unfathomable mystery. The latest word of advanced science has thus landed us back to the apostolic assertion that man is composed of body, soul and spirit; and there are some who see in the scientific doctrine of the Unconscious Personality a welcome confirmation from an unexpected quarter of the existence of the soul.


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