Random Pagan Verse:
A man should be loyal through life to friends,
To them and to friends of theirs,
But never shall a man make offer
Of friendship to his foes.

BEWARE! Statins (such as Lipitor) cause LIVER FAILURE & MORE

Started by Administrator, May 19, 2024, 02:14 AM

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Ran across this post on Twitter re: Statins


In the comments people are saying that it:
QuoteCauses liver failure
QuoteBlocks the liver from producing cholesterol. Combine that with a low fat diet the doc's push and the brain starves. Dementia and alzheimers

Here is a google doc: Marion Holman: Comments on Statins

Here is an article: How statin drugs really lower cholesterol & kill you one cell at a time

Here is a youtube video

Be sure to check out our Bio-Active Copper Hydrosol, Circu Flow & Heart Formula which all support healthy cardiovascular function.

We also offer Blood Stream Formula which removes excess cholesterol from the blood and therefore can be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.